Farmer's Body Values...

Farmer's Body Values...


Wholesome. Stylish. Connected.

Every Farmer’s Body product that touches yours and your family’s skin is doing a world of good in more ways than one.

You’re supporting and strengthening the livelihood of small, women-owned farms who have safety, sustainability and quality top of mind at all times.

This sense of support and connection runs deep within the values of Farmer’s Body.

Meticulously selected wholesome ingredients

We know your family's health and safety is super important to you.

That's why all of our ingredients are carefully chosen, meticulously sourced and relentlessly scrutinized for you effectiveness and for your well-being.

Farmer's Body is safe, eco-friendly, healthy and clean.

All of our products are free from phthalates, parabens, triclosan, MEA, DEA, aluminum, sodium laurel sulfate, PEG, BHT, and siloxanes.

Nature's not boring- we've got classy, beautiful style!

Nature isn't all browns and blah.

Your products don't need to be either.

We honor the vibrant colors of the Earth, give a nod to a bit of nostalgia and pull it all together with a modern flair.

We know there's joy and value in using products that are as beautiful as they are wholesome and effective! 

Nurturing your connections- to yourself, to your family, to community and to the world

Celebrate the rejuvenating powers of ritual.

Being swathed in the scents and textures of nature really does something to your soul.

Whether it’s a mental reset, a complete washing away of the day, or pure indulgence, using quality products creates a whole new respect for the ritual of bathing.

And for reconnection to you.

We’re connected to our community and to our world.

Farmer's Body is an environmentally and socially conscious company.

We feature artisan, locally sourced ingredients from women farmers that we know. Only the very best of nature goes into each product.

We are committed to employing local women, paying fair wages and supporting their work-life balance. 

We pay Mother Earth the respect she needs right now. Connection to Earth enhances our connection to life. 

We are proudly woman-owned and certified as a Vermont Green Business.

Thank you for supporting us and the values we represent! 

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